Whether you need a local business license depends on the location of your business. South Carolina does not have a statewide business license.

All standard business licenses are issued locally by the county or municipality where your business is operating. Please note, not all counties and municipalities require a business license. 


Determine if your jurisdiction requires a local business license

SCBOS recommends that business owners create an account with Municipality Association of South Carolina (MASC). This account will give you the ability to look up your address to determine the local county and municipality(s) that will issue your business license. If you are unsure or unaware of your local requirements, we recommend that you take this extra step to ensure that your business is in compliance. 

  • Many counties and municipalities in SC have their own business license application. If your local jurisdiction(s) offer an online or local business application, complete the business license application directly with that county or municipality. 
  • If your jurisdiction does not have a website or offer an online application use the Standardized Business License Application and submit to your county and/or municipality. Find current contact information using our interactive map.  


South Carolina Standardized Business License Application

In 2020 the SC General Assembly passed the SC Business License Tax Standardization Act, Act 176.  This Act streamlines the business license process, creating the same process for taxing jurisdictions across the state.  

As of January 1, 2022, all municipalities in South Carolina that levy a local business license tax must comply with the law. 

As part of this Act, SC has created a Standardized Business License Application that can be used across all jurisdictions. This Act is also responsible for the creation of the Local Business License Renewal Center, an online payment portal where businesses can renew all their local business licenses at one time. 

  • At this time there is no statewide portal in SC for initial business license applications. Initial business license(s) will be administered by your county or municipality. 
  • You can download a copy of the South Carolina Standardized Business License Application to be used across multiple jurisdictions. 
    • Make a copy for each licensing jurisdiction where you will conduct business. 
    • If your business location is different from where you are operating, you may need a local business license for both jurisdictions. 
    • If your local jurisdiction(s) do not offer an online application and is not linked to the online portal offered by the Municipal Association of SC, you may need to complete your application in person. 

Find locations and contact information using our interactive map below.

Follow the steps above for annual license renewals and stay informed of any business licensing changes within your local jurisdiction.