In South Carolina you may be required to register your business with the Secretary of State’s Office (SOS).
Who is required to register when forming a South Carolina business entity?
- Business corporations
- Nonprofit corporations
- Limited liability companies (LLC)
- Limited partnerships (LP)
- Limited liability partnerships (LLP)
This registration is required prior to conducting business in SC.
Once you have completed the online application you should receive a copy of your Certificate of Existence (Certificate of Good Standing) within 24 hours. Out-of-state businesses will receive a Certificate of Authority.
Learn more about filing your registration with the SC Secretary of State Office (SCSOS).
The SCSOS registration can be completed online.
- This is a statewide business name registration and is NOT a business license. Business licenses are applied for locally with the county and/or municipality where your business is located.
- Sole Proprietors and General Partnerships do not need to register their business with SCSOS.
- You will need to complete the SCSOS registration before applying for a Retail License with the South Carolina Department of Revenue.
- Sole proprietors and General Partnerships who would like to "reserve" their business name can apply to trademark their name and/or logo.