All business licenses are issued through your local municipality. South Carolina does require businesses to register their business name and type with the South Carolina Secretary of State (SOS).
All business licenses are issued through your local municipality. South Carolina does require businesses to register their business name and type with the South Carolina Secretary of State (SOS).
If your business is a Sole Proprietorship or General Partnership, you are not required to register with the Secretary of State.
The business structure you select will depend on your business model.
Most state agencies have made registering and filing online simple. You can register your business online with the South Carolina Secretary of State's (SOS) at You will need to create a username and password to begin.
DBA names are not registered with the South Carolina Secretary of State (SOS).
The DBA cannot be in conflict with a business name registered with the SOS. If you wish to protect your DBA name, the business can trademark the name.