State agencies play a significant role in your new or established business. Whether you are launching, running, or growing your business, being able to quickly connect to a variety of business-related state agencies is important.
Learn more about the following South Carolina state agencies and their relevance to your business ventures.
From site selection to infrastructure improvement, the South Carolina Department of Commerce (SC Commerce) helps new and existing businesses grow. The agency promotes economic opportunity for individuals and businesses through initiatives like workforce training. Also, as a national leader in foreign direct investment, the state extends its global reach with offices in Europe and Asia that help existing companies in developing export markets.
- 1-(800) 868-7232, (803) 737-0400
The South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs (SCDCA) licenses athletic agents, car dealer closing fees, pawnbrokers, mortgage brokers, and others. If you offer credit to consumers in South Carolina, you need to check with SCDCA. Persons or businesses that make consumer credit sales, consumer leases, or consumer loans in South Carolina can obtain and manage licenses on the SCDCA website.
- 1-800-922-1594, 803-734-4200
Any employer in South Carolina should visit the South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce (SCDEW) website for information on unemployment insurance and benefits. Businesses can apply online for Unemployment Insurance (UCE-151) and file the Wage and Contribution Report (UCE 101/120) through SCDEW.
- 1-866-831-1724, Relay 711
The South Carolina Department of Environmental Services (SCDES) promotes and protects the health of the environment in South Carolina. SCDES works with partners, communities, and others to help every South Carolinian have the access, resources, and information they need to improve the environment in which they live.
The Business section of the SCDES website provides information and resources on businesses and communities going green and the Environmental eNews archive.
- 803-898-3432
The South Carolina Department of Public Health (DPH) is an important link in many state business activities. DPH provides regulations for professionals, health care facilities construction and licensing, nursing homes and assisted living.
- 803-898-3300
The South Carolina Department of Agriculture (SCDA) is an important link for retail and food business. SCDA provides resources for restaurants, grocery stores, convenience stores and more.
- 803-896-0640
The South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (SCLLR) offers online professional licensing services, OSHA, and labor and immigration services.
- (803) 896-4300
The South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (SCDMV) provides online licensing for motor carriers and car dealers in South Carolina.
- 803-896-5000
The South Carolina Department of Revenue (SCDOR) administers and collects many of the business taxes within South Carolina. MyDORWAY, SCDOR’s free taxpayer portal, makes it easy and convenient to register your business, fill out applications, file and pay taxes, and much more.
- 1-844-898-8542, 803-898-5000
The South Carolina Department of Social Services (DSS) works to support business owners who hire DSS program participants entering the workforce. When you hire DSS customers, you become eligible for a variety of benefits, incentives, and supports designed to meet your specific needs. Hiring from DSS can provide your business and your new employee with a promising future. DSS assists with tax credit opportunities for employers, workforce consultants statewide, vocational assessments, pre-screened job referrals, background screening, and ongoing assistance.
- 1-888-454-5294
There are two main reasons for businesses to visit the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) website: to be in compliance with any State Motor Carrier regulations (like oversize/overweight permits) and to do business with the agency.
- 855-467-2368, 803-737-1200
The South Carolina Secretary of State (SCSOS) is responsible for the statewide registration of corporations, Uniform Commercial Code interests, business opportunities, employment agencies, trademarks, and notaries in South Carolina. The SCSOS also handles the incorporation of municipalities and special purpose districts, the annexations of land, and the escheatment of real property. Additionally, the SCSOS administers and regulates the Solicitation of Charitable Funds Act, handles the publication of positions within certain statewide boards, and commissions and issues all statewide cable franchises.
- 803-734-2158
The South Carolina State Fiscal Accountability Authority (SFAA), Division of Procurement Services website provides information about current state contracts, bids, vendors, and recent awards.
- 803-737-0600